How to remove wrinkles in the chest area?

The girl has smooth skin on her neck and chest area after the rejuvenation process

How to remove wrinkles on the neck and chest? A common question that women ask. And right! You need to monitor your skin condition to look young at any age.

The appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of skin firmness and elasticity - all these often reflect age.

Causes of rapid skin aging

The body's relatively elastic skin - and the softness of the neck and chest. Why so?

The texture of the skin in these areas is comparable to the skin around the eyes.. Similarly, all the same problems arise - sensitivity, dry skin, dehydration.

Therefore, the care of this area has received little attention. For example, when applying a mask for wrinkles on the face, we do not always remember the excess for the neck and below. Not to mention dissection or other procedures. Before going to bed, few people apply cream on the scalp.

It goes without saying that factors like malnutrition, hormonal changes, and trivial age. You already know it very well.

Well, figured out why, now let's talk about what to do, how to get rid of sagging and wrinkles. Next, we give some methods on how to remove wrinkles in the chest area.

How to approach the problem?

It is important that you familiarize yourself with the daily activities and perform them almost like rituals. So among them:

  • wash,
  • firm,
  • food (at night),
  • hydration (in the morning).

In addition, weekly should pay attention to perform gentle exfoliating procedures. Of course, rubbing won't result in instant wrinkle removal (especially since overexposure will only aggravate the problem! ), but a light peel will pay off with full use. Dear.

Light peeling

For exfoliation, mainly natural exfoliants are used with:

  • honey
  • the coffee,
  • clay,
  • oils.


Masking the neck and chest area against wrinkles twice a week is also a great intensive care treatment. It is recommended to take natural substances as a basis, such as oils, herbs, vegetables, dairy products, fruits.

Parsley mask

To prepare the layout, you will need to do:

  • bunch of fresh herbs
  • 130 grams of milk
  • cheesecloth.

Milk must be boiled, pour into a glass with 2 large spoons of chopped parsley. The mixture will still infuse for about five minutes. Then the fabric is soaked in this composition, squeezed. And the neck and chest receive a kind of compression. Delete after 20 minutes. This procedure should be done regularly, but not daily.


To get rid of wrinkles, you can try a formula with protein.

You will need:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon oil (vegetable, preferably olive),
  • half a lemon
  • thorn.

In a container, egg whites, lemon juice and oil are mixed well. Then the gauze is moistened in this composition, then, similar to the previous recipe, a mask is applied. Should wrap the neck, chest skin. We shoot in 10 minutes.

Masks containing gelatin


  • gelatin (1 tablespoon) is mixed with water (2 tablespoons),
  • in a water bath, the preparation is heated until the crystals dissolve,
  • to the existing one, you need to add 2 tbsp. starch (choose - corn or potato).

The anti-wrinkle mask is suitable for the neck and chest area, but always in a warm form.


Such a procedure will also help to eliminate minor manifestations of wrinkles with systematic use. For this mask, oils are used: 1 tablespoon each - jojoba, peach, wheat germ. Among the other ingredients in the composition is a tablespoon of citrus juice, the same amount of salt (take the exact sea, but the right size).

Preparation: mix oils, lemon juice in a bowl, add salt. After stirring with this preparation, the neck is treated, the abs are slightly lower. Then cover with cling film on top - with a warm cloth. We waited fifteen minutes, maybe a little longer.

Aloe-based care

Another recipe with natural ingredients that will help get rid of wrinkles:

  • Aloe vera leaf pulp
  • 1 yolk,
  • honey.

Aloe must be chopped to get a paste. There are also yolks, knead, pour honey in, also mix well. Apply to problem areas, then soak for 15 minutes and rinse.

Exercise for smooth skin

You can also do exercises if you want to get rid of skin folds. Gymnastics especially if done regularly will give results. Small folds almost disappear, deep horizontal wrinkles are no longer so obvious.

  1. So the order of the first exercise. Starting position - sitting on the floor. The back should be as relaxed as possible. Place your foot so it is more comfortable. We raised our heads and threw it back.Make sure to do it smoothly and without even the slightest sudden movements.. Wait 5 seconds, return to starting position. And so - 10 repetitions.
  2. Second. The starting position does not change. Only we reject the head to the maximum, the first to the right and fix it in this position for up to five seconds. Now we go back to the starting position, we do the same on the other side. For each side - 10 approaches in the same way.

Here is another compound exercise that allows you to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles and get rid of small wrinkles.

  • Sitting with a flat back on a chair, you need to perform 5 movements of turning your head in 2 directions. Then pull your chin as close to your chest as possible, trying to squeeze as close to your body as possible. In this position, you need to hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Stretch your muscles, tilt your head to the left, then to the right. 4-5 repetitions for each side. Then do 8-10, gradually increasing the speed.
  • Fingers should be at the back of the head, closed in the lock. Create resistance with your hands and pull your head down, then forcefully back. This should be done six to eight times.The higher the efficiency, the stronger the hand's resistance.
  • With an upright posture, you need to sit in a chair and tilt your head back, lying on your back. Look up and move your jaw as if chewing. In this case, the mouth must be closed. One minute for this exercise, then the starting position.

Simple daily anti-wrinkle massage for neck and chest

As a rule, such a massage should not last more than thirty seconds a day.

  • You need to keep your head up.
  • Massage the skin with the back of your hand, moving from bottom to top. The hands must be alternated.
  • Finally, with the palm of your hand, you can perform a chin pat.

Anti-wrinkle neck and chest massages are well done in salons, especially those that use traditional oriental techniques. In addition, a cream is used to smooth wrinkles and at the same time tighten, soothe and care for the skin.

Important! Any manipulation of the neck, whether massage or exercise, should be done after cleansing, you can also apply cream first. The skin is therefore more susceptible to exposure.

Salon technique

Wrinkles in the neck and chest area are sometimes decidedly eliminated with the help of salon rehabilitation programs.

  • Phosphorus, spotlights. The use of light-based devices leads to the smoothing of wrinkles, the removal of age spots and the healing of capillaries.
  • Laser techniques also affect sagging skin.
  • RF lifting. Methods of tightening and rejuvenation.
  • Mesotherapy. It involves injections based on hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, vitamins, etc. v.
  • Botulinum toxin in the neck is done relatively rarely, but it allows you to get rid of the longitudinal muscle cords and the wrinkles associated with them. Neck skin becomes much smoother and younger looking. However, there may be temporary difficulties with speaking and swallowing.

Sometimes they even resort to plastic surgery to restore youthfulness to the neck and bust. The choice of how to maintain your attractiveness and beauty is yours.